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我校英语18401班开展课前十分钟英语演讲 活动


   2019年5月7日,我院英语语18401班刘嘉琦同学进行课前十分钟演讲,主题为 《Taylor swift》。

    今天我给大家介绍一下我最喜欢的歌手Taylor swift。我想让大家知道为什么我喜欢她,也想让你们了解一下她是什么样的人。





这就是我喜欢的Taylor swift,被世俗欺压,不被舆论打倒,始终以高傲的姿态睥睨一切,勇敢做自己的样子。


     Today I'd like to introduce my favorite singer to you.I want you to know why I love her and what kind of person she is.

Fourteen years ago,She won 10 Grammy Awards.It was nicknamed "Grammy's Daughter" for winning too many awards.It's the only person in history who gets his name.Women who are named for the Lifelong Achievement Award;Five Guinness World Records have been maintained.With 23 trophies, she became a historic winner.Female singers with the most national music trophies,She won the prize with a soft hand.After Michael Jackson,It's the real queen of heaven.She is gifted but not a telent.And she make lots of effert and this is what she said:I have to work very hard to get a record contract.

     It takes me years to excel.I have to practice to play the guitar well.Before writing the first good song,I had to write a whole hundred poems that weren't that good.I am such a person.You must get an A in the exam.

Not a single donation, you can be called a philanthropist.People put a lot of attention on her negative news.Few people have mentioned the public good she has done over the years.Taylor sold 13,000 tickets in May 2011.Donate all the proceeds to disaster relief in the southern United States.To a library in PennsylvaniaThousands of books were donated.And devoted to supporting the Red Cross.I like her because she's very positive.

In her opinion, falling in love is a beautiful thing, but the real son of Heaven comes too late and always meets the wrong person.Although she had many ex–lovers I won't pay too much attention to her private life.She also has shortcomings. Don't try to make her look what you want.

     Listen to her songs, we are like listening to a girl in their own minds, each song is like a diary, neighboring girls as gentle and clear so that countless people find themselves in her songs, see their own shadow.And all the creative materials and inspiration come from their own high school life. In high school, Taylor, with a golden bubble face, a slightly fat figure, more embarrassing height than her peers, and underdeveloped motor nerves, made her regarded as a very strange person by her classmates.These experiences influenced her a lot, enabling her to face difficulties more strongly and not be easily defeated.

Being oppressed by the secular world and not overwhelmed by public opinion, he always looks at everything with arrogance and dares to be herself.

Thans for your listening.


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